Park Issues

The developer has framed the debate about Oak Grove as it all about the park and open space. If you like parks and open space, then you should like Oak Grove. This is to avoid having Oak Grove evaluated on the merits of the housing development it is.

East Bay Regional Parks

The largest keeper of open space and parks in the East Bay is East Bay Regional Parks. They manage 91,000 acres of parks and open space in the Bay Area. They were asked to give input for the EIR on the Oak Grove plan. They were not enthusiastic at all about Oak Grove.

Here are issues raised in their report:

  1. No funding for the maintenance of park or open space.
  2. The proposed development is inconsistent with Pleasanton's General Plan.
  3. Development would fragment the open space.
  4. Would destroy the view of Pleasanton's southern ridges

Read the full report that was included in EIR.

Open Space

Proponents of this project say this is the only way to preserve open space. What they don't say is that the open space is there right now. Let's carefully decide how to best preserve it. Is this Oak Grove plan which will eliminate large areas of trees, move 640,000 cu yards of dirt and build 12,500 sq ft mansions the best and only plan to preserve the open space? Or is there a better plan with houses off the ridges, smaller houses limited to 2 stories and better access possible? We think the answer is YES. Let's send the developer back to the drawing boards to develop a plan that is in keeping with PP and the General Plan.


9000 sq ft home in the Oakland Hills. Is this what we want on our ridges?

NO, this is not what we want!

We look forward to working with developer and the community to find a solution that is consistent with the general plan, PP and is acceptable to the Pleasanton residents.

Bulldozers are lined up


They will have to go elsewhere!

Sierra Club don't violate PP

The regional, branch of the Sierra Club says not to violate measure PP with a road on steep slopes or within 100' of a ridge.

What can you do?

Visit us on Facebook


If you are interested in helping save Pleasanton's ridgelines, please email us.

Donate to Save the Hills

We need funds to educate the voters about saving Pleasanton's Hills. If you would like to donate, please send a check to:

Save Pleasanton Hills
1246 Hearst Dr.
Pleasanton, CA 94566


Donate with PayPal

click here

9000 sq ft home in the Oakland Hills. Is this what we want on our ridges?

NO, this is not what we want!

We look forward to working with developer and the community to find a solution that is consistent with the general plan, PP and is acceptable to the Pleasanton residents.

Bulldozers are lined up


They will have to go elsewhere!

Sierra Club don't violate PP

The regional, branch of the Sierra Club says not to violate measure PP with a road on steep slopes or within 100' of a ridge.

What can you do?

Visit us on Facebook


If you are interested in helping save Pleasanton's ridgelines, please email us.

Donate to Save the Hills

We need funds to educate the voters about saving Pleasanton's Hills. If you would like to donate, please send a check to:

Save Pleasanton Hills
1246 Hearst Dr.
Pleasanton, CA 94566


Donate with PayPal

click here